Kristen scott fight or flight

165   1 year ago
puretaboo | 1 subscriber
165   1 year ago
When it comes to Kristen Scott, it's hard to know whether to fight or flight. On one hand, she's a powerful young woman who has overcome some serious obstacles in her life. On the other hand, she's been known to lash out in anger and can be quite unpredictable. So, which is it? Fight or flight?
In many ways, Kristen is a survivor. She's been through a lot in her short life, and she's come out the other side stronger for it. She's also a fighter, in the literal sense. She's an accomplished martial artist and has even competed in MMA. So, when it comes to Kristen, it really depends on the situation. If you're looking for someone to fight your battles for you, she's definitely your girl. But if you're looking for someone to run away from your problems with, she's probably not the best choice.
It's hard to know what to make of Kristen Scott. She's a complex person, and she doesn't fit neatly into any one category. But that's what makes her so interesting. She's definitely someone worth getting to know.
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